The aim of the Forum is to encourage heritage and history groups to come together and share activities, events and experience. The Committee normally meets regularly through the year, with an Annual General Meeting in spring or early summer, and at least one other annual event which can be an Open Day, a Local Listing Panel, talks or seminars, or another group event. The 2024 AGM will be held on 5th July at the Frank Hutchings Hall in Thatcham.
Currently the Forum is involved with updating the Historic Environment Action Plan (HEAP), with the Local Listing of heritage assets throughout West Berkshire, and with the District Council's Conservation Area Appraisals process. It has also created a template for a Blue Plaque process which has been made available to Parish Councils.
A Local Listing Panel was held in October 2022, with eight heritage assets going forwards for consultation. The Consultation was held in March to May 2024 and further information can be found here: https://www.westberks.gov.uk/local-list-heritage-assets . The Forum welcomes contact by Parish Councils and local societies with suggestions for Local Listing.