
Greenham Common - Survey

It’s 25 years since Greenham Common returned to public ownership and the Corn Exchange and 101 Outdoor Arts, which has one of its venues on Greenham Business Park, is working with other organisations, local and national, to reflect on the history of this unique site, creating a special programme to mark the anniversary and understand how we might ensure that the site is celebrated into the future.

Local Listing Recommendations approved by West Berkshire Council

Following a Consultation, the recommendation to add eight new heritage assets to the Local List has been approved by West Berkshire Council. The new Locally Listed assets are:

A pump and well house at East Ilsley - a 1930's flywheel pump which is still in working order.


A pump and pump house at Burghfield - the pump in School Lane may have supplied the school with water in the early 1900's, while the pump house at Bunces Lane contains the remains of a pump base, and carries a dedication to Queen Victoria in the year of her son Edward VII's Coronation (1902).


Hunt for 'Ghost Signs' on buildings

Historic England is asking individuals and history and heritage groups to search for, photograph, and inform them of ghost signs on buildings. These are old signs which advertised businesses which have now gone. Such signs gradually fade, but form an important part of our heritage, and signpost old businesses and trades, as well as individuals who may have run them. More information is available on their website:
