
Archaeology at Greenham

Since October 2020, Thames Valley Archaeological Services have been excavating at a site at Greenham. Initially little archaeology was expected, but a wealth of features, including roundhouses and Roman artefacts and a burial have been found. The site has been occupied from the Bronze Age.

More information is available on the TVAS website:

BALH Ten minute talks

The British Association for Local History has released a series of ten minute talks on historical subjects which may interest the general public. These have now been expanded and include the Basingstoke 'Grand Reformation Times' Bazaar of 1903, The Royal British Legion - Telling Our Story, An introduction to Wills for Local Historians, and Crockford's Flock, Priest and Parish in a Wiltshire Village, amongst others. Have a browse. The talks are available as video recordings on the BALH website:

West Berkshire Cultural Heritage Strategy - Public Consultation

West Berkshire Council are consulting on the West Berkshire Cultural Heritage Strategy 2020-30. A plan to make sure we protect, support and develop our fantastic arts, culture and heritage – places, organisations, events, activities. It includes libraries, museum, Shaw House, community arts centres, theatres and much more besides.
