
Local Listing Proposals out to Consultation

The four heritage assets proposed for Local Listing on 28th June 2017 have now been put out to formal pubic consultation. The consultation runs until 19th November 2017, and West Berkshire Heritage Forum invites the public to review the proposals and make comments. The proposals can be seen here:

The four heritage assets which have been nominated are:

The White Hart Inn, Hamstead Marshall

Blue Plaques in Newbury

Newbury Town Council is commemorating Newbury notables, and notable events in Newbury history, with a series of Blue Plaques. Currently plaques have been erected to commemorate the Newbury historian Walter Money, his brother the architect James H Money, the astronomer Francis Baily, the Tudor clothier John Winchcombe (Jack of Newbury), the site of the first mobile phone call in 1985, and the George and Pelican Inn in Speenhamland. More information is available on the Council's website:

West Berkshire Heritage Forum AGM

The West Berkshire Heritage Forum AGM will be held on Tuesday 16th May 2017 from 7pm at Pangbourne Village Hall, Station Road, Pangbourne and will be followed by a film 'The Secret Life of Father Thames' by local film maker Nick Brazil. All member societies and parish or town councils are invited to attend, individual visitors also welcome.

New Additions to the Local List of Heritage Assets

West Berkshire Council has approved the submissions for Local Listing put forward by the Local Listing panel which met in September 2016. These were:

Pangbourne Police Station

58-59 Northbrook Street, Newbury - the former Picture Palace

105B Northbrook Sreet, Newbury aka 'Bridge House'

The Thatcham Town Pump, at the northern end of The Broadway, Thatcham

Four Georgian water pumps located along the A4 through Thatcham

More information on the Local List can be found here:

Five West Berkshire Heritage Assets are Recommended for Local Listing

Under West Berkshire Council’s process for local listing, five further heritage assets have been recommended for local listing by a Selection Panel held by the West Berkshire Heritage Forum on 22nd September 2016.  The Selection Panel comprises eight independent heritage experts of whom six were present at the meeting. 

Seven Assets approved for Local List

West Berkshire Council has now approved the seven heritage assets put forward in November for inclusion on the Local List. This brings the number of heritage assets up to twelve, and the Forum is now looking for additional submissions of properties, memorials, or other heritage assets to include on the List.

The Local List is available here:


Local Listing: More Assets for the Local List

On 27th November 2015 a Local Listing Panel met to consider submissions for the former Newbury Carnegie Library, the Falkland Memorial, Church & Child's Almshouses, the former Thatcham Police Station, the War Memorials in Brightwalton and Bradfield Southend, and a milestone on the old Newbury to Oxford coaching route at Chieveley. More information on the heritage assets can be found here:

