The University of Reading will be excavating a Mesolithic site at Ufton Bridge just off the A4, from 10th July to 18th August.
The site
The excavation site is just off the A4 10km south west of Reading and 3.5km south west of Theale.
The site is early Mesolithic (8820-7380 cal BC) and is focused on a gravel rise in the middle of the Kennet floodplain where flint artefacts were found during fieldwalking. Geoarchaeological boreholes, test pits and geophysical investigation have shown that there is a well-preserved Mesolithic occupation horizon with flints and bones and this is sealed by tufa and alluvium. Beside the gravel rise a former palaeochannel of the river Kennet contains peat, tufa (spring chalk) and organic silts in which wood is preserved. Dating evidence from the channel indicates that it is contemporary with the occupation site, so there is good potential for the recovery of organic artefacts and environmental evidence. Palaeoenvironmental investigations have already shown that pollen, molluscs and insects are well preserved in the sequence and can provide a detailed picture of the environmental setting of the site.
The University is seeking applications for some paid posts, and volunteers to carry out work (excavation, sieving and sorting finds, and data recording) on the site. The Project is directed by Professor Martin Bell.
If you are interested, please conact Susan Ellis (Secretary WBHF) who can pass on an application form and further details of the excavation.