
A list of resources such as libraries, societies and museums are given on this page. You can view all, or use the filter to show specific types of resources. If you find incorrect details or would like to be added to the list please contact us via our contact page.

Name Description Resource Type
Goring Gap Local History Society

History Society
Greenham and Crookham Common Commission

The Commission, created in 2002, is a partly elected and partly appointed body which manages the Commons on behalf of West Berkshire Council. It consists of ten elected commoners, and ten appointed representatives of stakeholder bodies.

Civic Society
Greenham Common Control Tower

Greenham Common Control Tower opened its doors in Summer 2018 as a visitor centre and community hub with the aim to preserve and share the historical legacy of one of the few remaining airfield buildings.

Hampstead Norreys Heritage Group

Heritage Society
Hungerford Historical Association

Established in 1979, the HHA is one of the best supported gr

History Society
Hungerford Virtual Museum

Kennet and Avon Canal Trust

On the 11th August 1951 the Kennet and Avon Canal Association was formed, which became the Kennet and Avon Canal Trust on 6th June 1962, thus enabling charitable status.

Heritage Society
Kennet Valley at War

Heritage Society
Kennet Valley Guild of Weavers, Spinners and Dyers

The Guild meets monthly at St Mary the Virgin church hall on the first Saturday of the month at 10:30am, and regularly runs workshops and training days for anyone who wishes to learn how to spin or weave.

Heritage Society
Mortimer Local History Group

History Society
