With the completion of the Historic Town Atlas for Oxford in 2021, this lecture by Julian Munby will look at the long history of mapping the complex topography of the town and university, and the earlier production of maps and views of the city. It will consider how the vast bulk of documentary sources and the increasing quantum of archaeological resources can be presented on maps.
Julian Munby has recently retired from Oxford Archaeology, where he was Head of Buildings Archaeology, and worked for many years on the historical topography and buildings of Oxford.
This talk is one of a series of four evening lectures throughout March, and is run by BALH in partnership with the Historic Towns Trust.
Admission £5, (BALH members free). If you belong to a BALH Member Society, or the Historic Towns Trust, ask them for their discount code, which will reduce your admission fee to £3.
For more information, and to register, please see the BALH website: https://www.balh.org.uk/events