Rose Somerset, the communications officer from the North Wessex Downs AONB Partnership, will give a talk on the North Wessex Downs.
The North Wessex Downs is an amazing yet often overlooked landscape. Its story begins more than 150 million years ago when tiny algae were deposited on the beds of warm seas creating the layers of chalk we now see in the characteristic rolling hills. Over the last six thousand years man has lived, farmed, fought, hunted and prospered here and there is evidence everywhere of the way people have used and shaped the land. For wildlife, the North Wessex Downs offers a rich variety of special habitats for many unusual and rare species.
It’s not surprising that this area has been designated as an Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty protected by law to ensure that its special qualities are conserved and enhanced - but what does that mean for the people who live and work here and the visitors who come to explore the area every year?
Admission to meetings is £1 for Society members, £2.50 for visitors, to include tea or coffee and biscuits.
Thursday, 8 September 2016 - 7:30pm to 8:30pm
Event location:
Newbury Society
Church Room, St John's Church
St John's Road
RG14 7PY