Military History Walk: Greenham Common

Colonel Mike Relph leads a walk onto the Common to explore the military history of the site and remaining USAF buildings. The walk includes a tour of the decontamination suite, and you will be guided past the outside of the Control Tower and the Cruise Missile Bunkers, and visit the centre of the runway.

Free event but ticketed. Numbers limited to 30.

Meet at Control Tower, Bury’s Bank Road

Book at the Corn Exchange, Market Place, Newbury, RG14 5BD, tel: 0845 5218 218  email:


Part of "100 Years of War and Peace" organised by Greenham Common Trust.

Friday, 8 September 2017 - 11:30am to 1:00pm
Event location: 
Control Tower, Burys Bank Road
Greenham Common
United Kingdom