Newbury in 2019: The Newbury Society AGM

Newbury Society Chairman David Peacock reviews the past year; talking about Newbury today, some of its attractions, and the range of challenges it faces.

David Peacock researches, writes and talks on the history of the Newbury area form the Stone Age to the present day. He has written for local newspapers and given talks to a range of clubs and societes. Over many years he has taught evening classes in local history at Newbury College and the University of Reading. He was elected the Society's Chairman in 2017.

The Parish Room is on the north side of the Church building, accessed from Newtown Road. The Church has a small car park, or on-street parking in the meter bays on Newtown Road is currently free in the evenings. Admission is free for members or £2.50 for non-members to include tea or coffee and biscuits. Visitors are most welcome.


Thursday, 10 October 2019 - 7:30pm
Event location: 
Parish Room, St John's Church,
St John's Road,
RG14 7PY
United Kingdom