Heritage Open Days - Shaw House

Meet us in the Great Hall for introductory talks about the history of the House at 11.30am, 12.30pm, 1.30pm, 2.30pm. You will have the opportunity to access many areas which are not normally open to the public. 

No need to book, just drop in.

Shaw House was built in 1581 by Newbury clothier Thomas Dolman. This fine Elizabethan building was home to successive Dolman families, the flamboyant Duke of Chandos and the Andrews, Eyre and Farquhar families. Over this time the House played host to several royal visitors, including Elizabeth I. 

During your visit you will wander through the most significant historic rooms of the House. Visitors can also enjoy the new 'Dressed for Shaw' exhibition where you can learn about the stories from the past through period costume, along with the ‘Dressed for Battle’ civil war exhibition with displays of arms and armour from the Littlecote House collection which is currently on loan from the Royal Armouries Museum. 

 No booking required. Maximum 50 people per tour/session. For more information visit the website:



Saturday, 11 September 2021 - 11:30pm
Event location: 
Shaw House
Church Road
Shaw, Newbury
RG14 2DR
United Kingdom