From Front Parlour to Funeral Parlour: Looking after the dead in England c1850-1950 Virtual Event

BALH Local History Hour

In this two part talk, Dr Brian Parsons and Dr Helen Frisby will tell the story about how people cared for the dead and how this changed between 1850 and 1950. In Part One Dr Helen Frisby will describe how the dead were traditionally kept at home in the interval between death and the funeral. However, home was not neccessarily the best location for the body. In Part Two Dr Brian Parsons will describe how, from the 1930's, urban undertakers or funeral directors began providing spaces where the body could rest before burial or cremation.

Non-members £5, members free.

For more information on this talk and how to join online, refer to the website:

Thursday, 24 February 2022 - 7:00pm to 8:00pm