Local Listing

Local Listing Panel Recommendations - Consultation

Of the five submissions put forward in August, four were recommended by the Panel to go forward for Listing. They are:

Baseball Seating and Scoreboard at Diamond Playing Field, Greenham

St Gabriel's Convent Chapel, Cold Ash

The Dell, Lindens, Upper Bucklebury

Georgian Water Pump, Linear Park, Calcot

A consultation is running and will close on 20th January. members of the public may make representations in support of or against the recommendations.


Local Listing Proposals out to Consultation

The four heritage assets proposed for Local Listing on 28th June 2017 have now been put out to formal pubic consultation. The consultation runs until 19th November 2017, and West Berkshire Heritage Forum invites the public to review the proposals and make comments. The proposals can be seen here:


The four heritage assets which have been nominated are:

The White Hart Inn, Hamstead Marshall